



Posted By : martinflores/ 56 0

Xelhá, Mayan ruins in the shade of the water park
When naming Xelhá many will think of the famous water park of the Riviera Maya, and a few is the exquisite archaeological zone of Xel-ha, the ruins of an ancient Mayan city with surprising corners of art and nature.

  • Location: Xelhá is 113 km. From Cancun and 39 km. From Playa del Carmen and 16 km. Of Tulum, by federal highway 307, Cancun – Tulum. The archaeological zone of Xelhá remains on the inner side, it is indicated. Do not confuse with the waterpark …
  • Entry fee: 43 MXN. Sundays are free for the national and residents with official identification.
  • They do not sell drinks or food inside. There are services at the entrance.
  • How to get there by public transport? From Tulum pass groups on the main street. If you go from Cancun (the buses leave near the ADO terminal) you must get off at the last stop in Playa del Carmen and from here take another bus to Xelhá (from street 2 between avenida 15 and 20). Tell the driver of the van that you are going down in the ruins of Xelhá, he will warn you.
  • It is recommended to wear light and light clothes, hat, insect repellent, sunscreen, closed shoes better and some water is always good.


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