



Posted By : martinflores/ 48 0

Palenque does not need presentations, it is the places that for beauty and history is part of the traveler’s univeral retina. When you visit it you immediately feel the power of the magical Mayan city of Palenque, a must see.

  • The ruins of Palenque are located 8 km from the town of Palenque
  • Entrance fee: you pay two tickets to Palenque, one at the main entrance of the park, which corresponds to the Council of Protected Areas (15 MXN) and another, at the entrance of the archaeological zone, corresponding to the INAH (51 MXN).
  • The museum is closed on Mondays, from 9 to 16:15. Eye, go before to see the sarcophagus, which close before the chamber where it is.
  • They do not sell food or drinks inside the premises. Yes, they sell souvenirs.
  • How to get to the archaeological zone? It is located 8 km from the town of Palenque. There are groups that continuously pass to the archaeological zone from the village. In the population you find lodging of all ranks.
  • How to get there by public transport? To Palenque bus arrives at 7 am from the main towns of Riviera Maya: Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum (it is a night bus, there are 2 categories). From San Cristóbal de las Casas 5 hours, Campeche-Palenque is also nocturnal.
  • It is recommended to bring light and light clothing, hat, insect repellent, sunscreen, closed shoes (you are in the jungle and there are many bugs, protect yourself), water and something to eat if ideas spend the whole day.


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