



Posted By : martinflores/ 49 0

For many years the Lacandona forest of Chiapas kept one of the most treasured Mayan treasures. The ancient Mayan city of Bonampak preserved valuable paintings in some of its rooms, a true jewel.

  • Bonampak is located 8 km from the junction of San Javier, on the road from Palenque to Frontera Corozal.
  • Entry fee: 47 MXN
  • They do not sell drinks or food inside. There are services at the entrance.
  • How to get there by public transport? Groups arrive leaving Palenque (3 hours), also from the other direction, coming from Comitán (you must take a collective in Benemérito de las Américas). From both directions, get off at the junction of San Javier, and from here you have 8 km to Bonampak. There are taxis that take you there.
  • Frontera Corozal is one of the borders that allow you to cross to Guatemala. From here you can go to Tikal.
  • It is recommended to wear light and light clothing, hat, insect repellent, sunscreen, closed shoes better to climb the pyramid and some water is always good.


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