Gran museo Maya en Merida

Gran museo del mundo maya

Posted By : martinflores/ 183 0

The Museum exhibits a magnificent collection of more than 1,160 pieces that allow you to enjoy, among other examples, textiles, religious elements, pieces and diverse objects and sets that reflect the current daily life of the Mayans. Also it is exhibited engravings, books and historical documents, as well as artistic and religious works of the colonial time; collections from pre-Hispanic times that include stelae, bas-reliefs and sculptures in stone; pottery, trousseau and ceramic offerings, as well as adornments and luxury objects of gold, jade and shell. All this forms a framework in which the past and the present come together through new technologies and digital systems to allow the visitor to travel through time and return to the present.

El fuerte de Bacalar

El fuerte de Bacalar

Posted By : martinflores/ 162 0

To avoid constant looting by English, French, Dutch, Oriental, White and African pirates, this fort was built at the beginning of the 18th century. Later it became a military barracks and finally opened its doors as a museum. In addition to the impressive construction, you can admire different pieces from the Mayan culture and the colonial era. From the fort you can observe the Laguna de Bacalar, the passage of pirates.

Do not forget to take a photograph in the main tower where you can see the one of Bacalar in its maximum splendor.

Palacio de Gobierno

government palace

Posted By : martinflores/ 89 0

The Government Palace of Merida is an interesting visit in this city Yucateca. As other state palaces open their doors to the public for free, so it’s a good opportunity to surprise you.

  • Location: Calle 61, between the 60 x 62. In the Plaza Grande of Mérida.
Hacienda Yaxcopoil

Hacienda Yaxcopoil

Posted By : martinflores/ 160 0

Among the many Haciendas that we can visit in the Yucatan Peninsula, Yaxcopoil has a special charm. It was one of the most important haciendas henequeras and livestock raising to eleven thousand hectares of land. Today we can discover it with its indelible old charm.

  • The Hacienda Yaxcopoil is located on federal highway 261, Mérida-Uxmal. The hacienda at kilometer 186. 33 km from Merida.
  • Entry fee:  70 MXN
  • How to get there by public transport? From the Lucas de Gálvez Market from Mérida (65th Street between Calle 54 and Calle 52) it leaves collectively (van) to Umán. From Uman, another collective to Yaxcopoil.
Hacienda Sotuta de Peon, Tecoh, Yucatan, Mexico.

Hacienda Sotuta de Peón

Posted By : martinflores/ 101 0

The haciendas on the Yucatan peninsula are a good way to learn a part of the history that marked and transformed the life of this corner of the world, making it one of the most prosperous areas of Mexico.

  • Location: Hacienda Sotuta de Peón is located south of Merida, near Tecoh.
  • Entry fee: adults 365 mxn, children 4-12 years 180 MXN.
  • Combo adult 770 mxn (Includes transportation, tour and food).
  • How to get there by public transport? Public transport from Merida, San Benito market: collective direction Tecoh (1 hour).
Ecomuseo del Cacao

Ecomusée of cacao

Posted By : martinflores/ 85 0

Maya has historically been linked to cocoa. It was a product within the reach of a chosen few, it was sacred. In the Museum of Cocoa you can learn about the history of cacao in the Yucatan Peninsula.

  • The Ecomuseum of the Cocoa (very echo I do not see it, although I wear a lot prefix) is located at kilometer 20 of the puuc route enters Xlapak and Labná.
  • There are services for the visitor.
  • How to get there by public transport? There is a bus that makes the puuc route from Merida with stop in the Cacao Ecomuseum. Departure at 8 am every Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Mondays in the holiday season) at Union Bus Terminal on 69th Street between 68 and 70, Colonia Centro.
Museo Maya Cancún

Mayan Museum of Cancun

Posted By : martinflores/ 104 0

Cancun, with its Mayan Museum, bets on the cultural offer in a rather scarce city in this field. Close to the archaeological zone of San Miguelito, in the hotel zone, is this good museum about the Mayan civilization, a place that is well worth a visit.

  • The Maya Museum Cancun is located at km 16.5 of Boulevard de Kukulcán, the road that runs through the Hotel Zone of Cancun.
  • Sundays are free for the national and residents with official identification.
  • Entry fee: MXN 7 The admission is used to visit the museum and the ruins of San Miguelito.
  • How to get there by public transport? Urban bus arrives from Cancún. The trucks (buses in Mexican) that make the route to hotel zone are the 1, the 2 and the 27.
  • There are services at the entrance of the museum.
Gran Museo Mundo Maya Merida

Great Mayan World Museum Merida

Posted By : martinflores/ 167 0

On September 24, 2012, the cultural capital of Yucatan inaugurated its long-awaited Great Mayan World Museum in Merida. The city of Merida continues to take care of its cultural offer offering excellent opportunities to enjoy it.

  • The Museum is located at C. 60 North. Unidad Revolución, Ex-Cordemex.
  • Cost entrance: national 100 MXN, foreigners 150 MXN and yucatecos 50 MXN.
  • How to get there by public transport? From 58th street between 61 and 59, collective taxis leave and yellow buses also take you there.
Palacio Municipal

Palacio Municipal

Posted By : martinflores/ 76 0

n the historical center of Mérida there are several free visits that you can enjoy. One of them is the building of the Municipal Palace, seat of the current town hall of Mérida, located in one of the streets that overlook the Plaza Grande.

  • Location: Calle 62, between 63 x 61. In the Plaza Grande.
Museo Casa Montejo

Montejo house museum

Posted By : martinflores/ 156 0

In the Plaza Grande of Merida we find one of the oldest and most illustrious buildings in Merida. La Casa de Montejo was founded between 1542 and 1549, one of the first buildings of the city.

  • Location: Calle 63, between 62 x 60. In the Plaza Grande.