



Posted By : martinflores/ 193 0

Palenque does not need presentations, it is the places that for beauty and history is part of the traveler’s univeral retina. When you visit it you immediately feel the power of the magical Mayan city of Palenque, a must see.

Late Classic (600-900 AD) Temple of the Inscriptions and Palenque Palace is the most visited ancient Mayan city of Chiapas, the undisputed queen of this attractive Chiapas state, undoubtedly takes the crown. Palenque, during its period of splendor, during the so-called Mayan Classic period (250 AD-900 AD) dominated much of the territory and was one of the driving cities of this great civilization. It is one of the most beautiful Mayan precincts at the architectural level because its governors, above all Pakal and the son who succeeded him, Kan Balam, raised a city full of beauty and careful details throughout their fruitful reigns. Here are several figures, censers, inscriptions … and, of course, the tomb of Pakal, located in the very heart of the Temple of Inscriptions … in fact, this temple comes to be like a mausoleum, it is not the only tomb There are. All this gives us valuable information to reconstruct this puzzle of pre-Hispanic history, which has been erased and looted so much.


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