
Lacanjá Chansayab

Posted By : martinflores/ 50 0

The Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas is the most biodiverse region of Mexico and one of the most beautiful. Here we can meet the Lacandones, one of the most reserved Mayan ethnicities.

The Lacandones, is one of the Mayan ethnic groups that together with Tzotziles, Tzeltales and Choles inhabit this vast forest. The Lacandona community barely exceeds 500 inhabitants, the towns of Metzabok, Naha, Bethel and Lacanjá Chansayab are the most settled. In these villages has developed a tourism supported by the local Lacandones: you find basic accommodations, guides that accompany you through the jungle and local food restaurants.

In Lacanjá Chansayab, very close to the archaeological site of Bonampak, known for its paintings, many Lacandones are engaged in tourism today. In their own grounds they have built cabins to welcome the traveler who arrives here. Some men are offered as guides in the different and interesting hiking proposals that they offer. Some women sell handicrafts in the village and they dedicate themselves to cooking on the premises.

Lacanjá Chansayab

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