



Posted By : martinflores/ 74 0

Bécal is one of the towns where the local artisan offers his products: the precious and
Bécal has become the artisan village where to buy Jipi hats, a tradition of years. Basketry, the art of weaving vegetable fibers generally by hand, was part of the Mayan civilization, making baskets and baskets, products useful in the day to day of the Maya. This art has been brought back into history, even the hats of Jipi.

Basketry has been practiced for centuries in these lands, producing products with different materials, depending on what grows in the area. At the time of the splendor of the Haciendas, in the early 1800s, the palm of jipijapa, next to the henequen, began to be planted on some haciendas in the state of Campeche.


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