Zona arqueológica maya Xpujil



Zona arqueologica Xpujil

Posted By : martinflores/ 137 0

The enigmatic “cat tail”

The area of ​​the pre-Hispanic site of Xpuhil that is open to the public and in the custody of INAH is only an architectural group known as group one which is constituted by some of the many buildings that are part of the archaeological zone. In fact, to date has been reported about 25 architectural groups on a total area of ​​land comprises an area of ​​about 24 km ². As the current population of Xpuhil, head of the municipality of Calakmul, is located in the same place as many of the ancient pre-Columbian Maya community, it is evident that many mounds are affected on the surface of the site.

If you would like to know everything about Xpujil and its relation with Calakmul and the other archaeological zones we recommend to hire the service of a specialized guide in the subject.

  • Xpuhil is located a few meters from the town of Xpuhil, on Federal Highway 186, at the exit west direction Escárcega.
  • Sundays are free for the national and residents with official identification.
  • Cost of entry: 47 MXN.
  • They do not sell drinks or food inside. There are services at the entrance.
  • How to get there by public transport? To Xpuhil there is public transportation from Escárcega (2 hours), Chetumal (1 hour 40 minutes) and Campeche (4 hours 30 minutes).
  • It is recommended Light and light clothing, hat, insect repellent, sunscreen, closed shoes better and some water is always going well.

Zona arqueologica Xpujil

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