Zona arqueológica Maya Hormiguero



Zona arqueológica Hormiguero

Posted By : martinflores/ 99 0

Nestled in the heart of the southern jungle of the state of Campeche, the anteater site is made up of about a hundred pre-Hispanic structures. It was registered in 1933 and was named after the large number of “ant houses” found. Three large architectural groups are defined, of which, The so-called center has been the area where archaeological interventions have been carried out since the decade of the 70’s of last century.

If you would like to know everything about anthill and its relationship with Calakmul and the other archaeological zones we recommend to hire the service of a guide specialized in the subject.

  • Hormiguero is located 23 kilometers from Xpuhil, 7 kilometers south of the ejido Echeverría Castellot. Xpuhil is on the southern cerretera that links Chetumal with Escárcega.
  • Free entry. There are services at the entrance.
  • How to get there by public transport? To Xpuhil there is public transportation from Escárcega (2 hours), Chetumal (1 hour 40 minutes) and Campeche (4 hours 30 minutes). From Xpuhil you can take public transport to Echevarría Castellot and from here walk 8 kilometers or go by taxi.
  • We recommend wearing light and light clothing, hat, insect repellent, sunscreen, closed shoes and some water is always good.

Zona arqueológica Hormiguero

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